Supporting those who need it most

Housing Support

Housing Support

What Housing Support offers:

  • Supports Service Users to source and/or maintain their tenancy and accommodation and remain at home if that is their wish
  • Support focusing on increasing motivation and self confidence
  • Supports Service Users to look after themselves and their home
  • Empowers Service Users to manage all aspects of their money and personal administration
  • Supports Service Users to combat social isolation and build supports
  • Promotes positive lifestyle choices to enable Service Users to maintain or improve their physical health
  • Supports the Service User to enhance their emotional wellbeing and provides details of other services available in the community
  • Encourages Service Users to engage in activities they find interesting and satisfying
  • Helps Service Users find other support services if they require additional support with other issues

BCM Housing Support provides support in Greater Belfast, Armagh Craigavon and Dungannon to help older people remain independent and continue to live in their own homes for as long as possible.

Currently the service is open to people who are:


  • Living in the Greater Belfast Area
  • Aged 55+ and in need of housing support.

Long term support

The Belfast Project is now able to offer a support service which can go beyond 2 years. This service is for those who will always need a level of housing support to remain living in their own homes.

Armagh, Dungannon, Craigavon, South Armagh and bordering areas

  • Living in the Armagh or Dungannon region and as of 2015 covering the Craigavon, South Armagh and bordering areas - this allows us to now help a total of 80 older people.    
  • Aged 55+ and in need of housing support.
  •  Since January 2020 we have now also been provided housing support for older people in the Newry area.

The service is for a minimum of six weeks and a maximum of two years, in which time the older person can "float in and out" as their needs change. It is designed for those who will benefit from a time limited period of support. The service is also available to support those who are having to make a decision about their long term care and may feel better informed after a period of community based support.

Referrals are welcome from

Belfast or Southern Health and Social Care Trust
Northern Ireland Housing Executive
Voluntary and Community groups
Other statutory organisations
And directly from older people who would like support from the service, or their families

You can access the online referral form here:

Or, for further information please contact:

Project Manager - Belfast
Catherine Glenn
Tel: +44 (0) 7788 984146

 Or the Project administrator (Leeanne) on 07802655957

Project Manager - Armagh, Newry & Dungannon
Leona Larkham
Tel: +44 (0) 7936 941696

Sam's Story

Nancy's Story

Bonnie's Story