Befriending Scheme
Befriending Scheme
Befrienders are needed throughout the Belfast area. Befrienders are asked to give one hour of their time per week to visit an older person in the community who is lonely/isolated and in need of some company. For further details on what the role is, please see attachment at bottom of page.
The project aims to provide companionship and practical support to lonely and isolated older people in the community.
- 39% of the elderly population live alone.
- ¼ of over 75's said they were more or less alone and socialise with very few people.
"Having my new friend gives me something to look forward to each week. She comes for a chat and we have tea and I really look forward to her visit."
We are looking for volunteers to work as befrienders with older people in the community on a one-to-one basis. Befriending involves:
- being able to listen and chat
- depending on the person's interests and abilities, accompanying them walking or on shopping/leisure activities.
We will provide training as well as guidance and support on an on-going basis. Out-of-pocket expenses will be available.
If you are over 18 years of age, can commit at least 1 hour per week and would like to find out more....
For further information please contact:
Janet Sewell, Community Services Manager
Tel +44 (0)28 9621 1544