Supporting those who need it most



In recents weeks across our social media pages, we have been featuring colorized photos from past eras of BCM. Here you can see the developed images side by side, and we will be adding to them over coming weeks in celebration of 135 years since BCM's founding. 

Our BCM impact report is now available to download. The 28 page booklet features our services and people as we reflect on the impacts, opportunities and challenges that faced BCM last year. For this report, we also celebrate 135 years since BCM's founding.

If you wish to receive a printed copy of this report, please message us via the Get in Touch page, or call our reception on 02890 241917

CLICK HERE to read our latest Newsletter

CLICK HERE to read our Strategic aims for 2024 to 2027

In a recent body of research, it was found that our floating support services generated 4.62 times more impact than what was put in. It speaks well of our team and what we achieve- often creatively making use of limited resources to change lives for the better. Click below to see the full report around the impacts that we make within these hugely important services. 

Rev David Campton has amassed 30+ years of poems for a new anthology to be launched next month

Doodlings and Doggerel is David's first published anthology of poems that he has written over the last 30 years. An "enthusiastic amateur", he brings a combination of understanding, knowledge, perception and form to each piece, allowing the reader to briefly join him on a private journey of comprehension of the wider world, his personal surroundings or what might have been going on in his head at that time.

David said:
