Supporting those who need it most



Making a donation

As a charitable organisation BCM relies heavily on donations from the general public. There are several ways in which you can donate.

  1. Click to Donate online

  2. Regular donations by standing order
  3. One-off donations

Regular donations by standing order

Regular donations are vital to our work as they help provide security for our projects and allow us to plan our services into the future. Simply email us your address details and we will forward all the information you need to make regular donations.

One-off donations

To make a one-off donation please send a cheque or postal order, made payable to BCM, to:

Business Development Manager
Grosvenor House
5 Glengall Street
BT12 5AD

N.B. If you are currently a tax payer we can claim the tax back on your donation at no extra cost to you. Simply include a brief note with your donation, with your signature and the following statement:

I confirm that I am a tax payer and that I wish BCM to treat this donation as a gift aid donation.

For further information please contact:

Alan Irwin, Business Development Manager
Tel: +44 (0)28 9024 1917

Including us in your Will

Leaving a Will enables your family/executors to know your mind and to act accordingly after your death. Leaving a donation to BCM could really help us to make a difference. Some of the areas your donation could help include:

  • providing support and counselling for young people leaving care
  • taking isolated older people on a short break
  • improving and developing services for the residents of Kirk House Residential Home

BCM's Legacy Promises
A legacy to BCM is a promise of a better future for the people we support. Here are our promises to you:

  • We understand that your will is completely personal to you, so we promise to always respect your privacy.
  • We absolutely understand that your family and friends always come first. We will not try to change that.
  • Leaving a legacy is a big decision. We will not pressure you.
  • If you choose to leave a gift in your will, we promise to use it wisely, efficiently and with respect to your wishes.
  • We understand that circumstances can change and that you may wish to remove BCM from your will.

Gifts need not necessarily be large amounts, even modest donations can make a tremendous difference.

For further information please contact:

Rev David Campton, BCM Superintendent
Tel: +44 (0)28 9024 1917