Kirk House Garden- Remodel started
Kirk House Garden- Remodel started

The much anticipated remodel of the front Garden contract was appointed to Beechill landscapes. The contractor started works on the 20th June 2016. Prior to works commencing, Choice housing removed a tree that was beyond salvage and cleared the overgrown space.
A section of the brief was to incorporate a more visual, direct and less confusing route to the front door. The remodel gave us an opportunity to remove a section of wall and create a lined path directly to the front. The original space was overgrown and the space was totally unusable. We hope that due to the remodel we will have a more usable space which will enhance in colour and be practical serviceable space.
The residents have really embraced the process and have been involved from the start. They have kept a close eye on the transformation. The increase in activity on site has also been beneficial in enhancing the topics of conversations. The noise of the digger and various small plants assisted to the atmosphere rather than become a nuisance. The weather was unable to restrict the overseeing of progress as, the yellow lounge and common room became the places the residents congregated to watch.
We are delighted with the progress and outcome and we hope this will benefit Kirk House residents and visitors for many years to come.
Nigel Emery
Estates & Facilities Manager