Supporting those who need it most

Christmas Support Programme 2016

Christmas Support Programme 2016

BCM’s Christmas programme has a long history of helping the most vulnerable members of the local communities. The programme proved to be much needed with people looking for our help every year. In 2015 BCM distributed over 3,070 toy and gift parcels to children and young people and 1,680 food parcels to older people and families who needed them most.

If you wish to support this year’s Christmas Appeal you can donate new toys or food or you can make a financial donation.  Donations can be left during office hours at Grosvenor House, 5 Glengall Street, Belfast, BT12 5AD. The deadlines for delivery are as follows:-

Food by Wednesday 7th December (non-perishable please)
 Toys by Monday 12th December (new toys only please)

For further information please contact Lorna or Magdalena on 028 9024 1917 or email Thank you.