BCM Statement/Update
BCM Statement/Update
These are uncertain times for everyone.
Here at Belfast Central Mission (BCM) we are acutely aware of the concerns that face all our staff, volunteers and service users, and of course the wider community, in light of the Corona Virus and Covid-19 outbreak.
As a service provider for younger and older people throughout your communities, we are doing all that we can to protect them and the vital services that we provide to vulnerable people across Northern Ireland.
While there are no easy solutions in this unprecedented situation, we are basing our contingency plans on the latest information as it comes through and are closely monitoring the guidance from the government and health authorities and will adapt our plans accordingly.
As the days and weeks go on there will be a requirement for some to self-isolate as we all need to work together to try to limit the spread and keep each other and those important to us safe.
We will all pull together to support each other through this difficult time and we will continue to provide help for those who need it across Northern Ireland.
Thank you.
Should you have a query or concern about a particular project, please refer to the project managers’ contact information below – all applicable during office hours 9:00am to 5:00pm:
Kirk House: Sharon McIlroy – 07912775386 / smcilroy@belfastcentralmission.org
Supported Housing for Young People Projects:
Belfast: Claire Irwin – 07789714082 / cirwin@belfastcentralmission.org
Magherafelt: Richard Dougherty – 07825140149 / rdougherty@belfastcentralmission.org
Bangor: Robert Kirk – 07958057452 / rkirk@belfastcentralmission.org
Dungannon: Colette McCullough – 07917192401 / cmccullough@belfastcentralmission.org
Housing Support for Older People Projects:
Belfast: Catherine Glenn – 07788984146 / cglenn@belfastcentralmission.org
Coalisland & Newry: Emma Neill – 07717774671 / eneill@belfastcentralmission.org
Parents’ Support Projects:
Newtownards: Karen Missi – 07958057460 / kmissi@belfastcentralmission.org
Coalisland: Joanne McCourt – 07789518785 / jmccourt@belfastcentralmission.org
Housing Support for Young People Projects:
Newtownards: Liam Miley – 07739575192 / lmiley@belfastcentralmission.org
Coalisland & Magherafelt: Joanne McCourt – 07789518785 / jmccourt@belfastcentralmission.org
Community Services (including befriending, lunch club, tea dances and holidays)
Belfast: Janet Sewell – 07958057457 / jsewell@belfastcentralmission.org